5 December 2024 5. Internationale Orchesterkonferenz der FIM Ende Oktober nahm der SMV an der 5. Internationalen Orchesterkonferenz in Malmö, Schweden, teil. Diese grosse Konferenz wurde von der Internationalen Musikerföderation (FIM)...
6 October 2022 Aus DOV wird unisono Der SMV-Partner in Deutschland, die Deutsche Orchestervereinigung (DOV) stellt sich nach 70 Jahren neu auf.
3 July 2022 Delegiertenversammlung 2022 [Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch and Français.] Laurent Mettraux, Übersetzung Daniel Lienhard, 29.06.2022 (Schweizer Musikzeitung) Die SMV-Delegiertenversammlung fand am vergangenen 19. Mai in der grossen Salle Grenette...
26 May 2021 FIM Statement on Online Music [adopted by the 22nd FIM Congress on May 21st, 2021] Since the 2000s, the development of download platforms, then streaming services, has both contracted and expanded the music market. However,...
13 June 2019 Final declaration of the International Freelance Conference (IFC) of FIM Around 100 musicians and musicians’ trade union delegates from 30 countries on all continents met in Copenhagen on May 27-28, 2019, to address some of the biggest challenges that confront...
13 June 2019 Weder Bettler noch Privilegierte [Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch and Français.] Mit welchen Herausforderungen sehen sich Freischaffende weltweit konfrontiert? Wie können sie von Musikergewerkschaften besser unterstützt werden? Antworten bot die 1....
28 April 2018 Flugreise mit Instrument [Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch and Français.] Ob im Handgepäck, auf einem zusätzlichen Sitzplatz oder im Frachtraum: Die Mitnahme von Musikinstrumenten an Board ist eine heikle Angelegenheit....
27 June 2017 Conclusions of the 4th International Orchestra Conference of FIM The conclusionsof the 4th International Orchestra Conference of FIM, which took place May 11 to 15 in Montréal, can be found here: ioc4_conclusions_en
12 May 2017 Air Canada wins FIM Airline of Choice Award 2017 On 11 May 2017, the International Federation of Musicians (FIM), which represents professional musicians and their trade unions in more than 60 countries, awarded the newly created FIM Airline of...
3 April 2017 Fair internet – ein gerechtes Internet für ausübende Künstler Sowohl auf europäischer als auch auf Schweizer Ebene tritt die Revision des Urheberrechts und der verwandten Schutzrechte in eine entscheidende Phase ein. Werden die online genutzten Interpretationen endlich gerecht vergütet...
26 September 2016 Copyright: Disappointment for performers after the European Commission’s proposal On Thursday 14 September 2016, the European Commission issued its proposed directive on copyright in the Single Digital Market. This communication was on the same day that President Juncker was...
15 September 2016 Instruments on planes: Rating of airlines Air company policies where transporting musical instruments is concerned are often unfavourable to musicians. Certain companies, however, welcome musical instruments on board in good conditions. This is particularly the case...
8 September 2016 Internationale Musikerföderation (FIM) [Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch and Français.] Ein Kurzporträt dieser 1948 in Zürich gegründeten Organisation. Die Internationale Musikerföderation (Fédération Internationale des Musiciens, FIM) ist eine weltweite Vertretung...
8 September 2016 21. FIM-Kongress im hohen Norden [Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch and Français.] Vom 7. bis 10. Juni 2016 fand der 21. Kongress der Internationalen Musiker Föderation FIM in Reykjavik, Island, statt. Der...
4 April 2016 France: The profession of performer undermined by the government Indignation among professional performing artists after the adoption at second reading of the “Creation” bill presented by the French government which makes provision for all companies in the entertainment business,...
7 March 2016 Dringend: Die FIM-Kampagnen unterstützen! Die FIM führt derzeit zwei überaus wichtige Kampagnen durch, für die wir unbedingt breite Unterstützung brauchen. 1. Musikinstrumente im Flugzeug als Handgepäck Diese Kampagne betrifft alle Musiker/innen, unabhängig von deren...
22 October 2015 Petition to support the National Orchestra of Belgium “As the result of politics, our National Orchestra is threatened with extinction in the near future. In fact, a scheme from Minister Reynders cabinet aims at the absorption of the...
24 September 2015 Make the Internet fair for performers The Internet is for everyone. Do you think that performers should get a fair share? Today, whether they are famous or not, performers are still not fairly rewarded when their...
27 August 2015 Training workshop for Uganda and Kenya From 20-23 July 2015, FIM organised a bi-national union-training workshop in Kampala (Uganda).Backed by Sweden’s Union To Union, the workshop was coordinated with UMU and KEMU unions, Ugandan and Kenyan...
2 December 2014 Budapest declaration: performers demand their proportionate share of revenues PERFORMERS COLLABORATE FOR THEIR PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF REVENUES Online music services have transformed the music industry, but performing artists are not getting their proportionate share from revenues. Modern legislation gives...