6 May 2014 The Swedish Musicians’ Union sues Warner, Naxos and MNW 6 May 2014 – The Swedish Musicians' Union sues record companies for music on Spotify – The Swedish Musician's Union, as representative of a number of its members, has sued...
23 March 2014 The Oslo Call “Representatives from musicians’ unions in more than 30 countries, meeting in Oslo on February 26, 2014, express their deepest concern about the situation of symphony and opera orchestras around the world....
23 March 2014 Conclusions of the 3rd FIM International Orchestra Conference I. MUSIC AGAINST CHILD LABOUR All orchestras around the world should support the global initiative “Music against child labour” by dedicating one of their concerts – including those already scheduled...
20 March 2014 Gipfeltreffen in Oslo Aktiv werden, bevor es zu spät ist. Ein Bericht von der dritten Orchesterkonferenz der Internationalen Musikerföderation Der Dialog dient als Erkenntnisinstrument, besonders dann, wenn man mit Menschen aus aller Welt...
7 March 2014 “art but fair” verleiht zum ersten Mal die GOLDENE STECHPALME (Pressemitteilung) Aus der mittlerweile legendären Facebook-Seite „Die traurigsten & unverschämtesten Künstler-Gagen & Auditionerlebnisse“, die inzwischen über 16.000 Likes zählt und täglich weiter wächst, hat der Vorstand von “art but fair” die neun negativsten Beispiele...
21 February 2014 International petition against the merger of SWR orchestras The fight against the Südwestrundfunk’s plans to merge the SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg (SO) with the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des SWR (RSO) did not abate following the publication of the...
10 February 2014 The European Parliament adopts the regulation facilitating transport of musical instruments in cabins On the 5 February 2014, the European Parliament adopted the text reviewing community regulation 2027/97, certain provisions of which aim to facilitate the transport of musical instruments on board planes...
30 January 2014 France: Je marche pour la culture Message de Yves Sapir, président du SNAM-CGT - Union nationale des syndicats d’artistes musiciens de France CGT, le syndicat partenaire de l'USDAM en France A l’appel de nombreuses organisations syndicales,...
1 December 2013 3rd FIM International Orchestra Conference The 3rd FIM International Orchestra Conference will be take place February 24-26, 2014 in Oslo. Detailed information is available on the FIM IOC Website . Orchestra musicians interested in participating should...
10 November 2013 Internationales Gewerkschaftstreffen mit art but fair Auf Einladung der Deutschen Orchestervereinigung (DOV) traf sich in diesen Tagen ein internationales Gremium von Fachleuten aus Orchestermusik und freier Szene mit art but fair Vertretern in Berlin: Prof. Reinhard...
4 November 2013 Online music: music performers denounce industry practices Rumbling discontent is on the rise with professional musicians whose recordings are exploited online. Swedish union SMF is preparing legal action. Is the Spotify streaming service really the business model for the...
30 October 2013 Music Against Child Labour: join the campaign now! The global Music Against Child Labour Initiative was launched in 2013. It links the ILO and its International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) with musicians, conductors and...
17 October 2013 The New York City Opera closes down Founded in 1943 and launched on Feb 21, 1944 with Puccini’s Tosca, the New York City Opera announced on Oct. 1st 2013 that it would immediately file for Chapter 11...
30 September 2013 Aktions- und Warnstreiktag der deutschen Kulturorchester Rund 100 Orchester zeitgleich und bundesweit im Ausstand Berlin, 30.9.13 – Nachdem am 25. September 2013 das Bundesarbeitsgericht entschieden hat, dass die Staats- und Kommunalorchester keinen einklagbaren Rechtsanspruch mehr auf...
23 September 2013 Athens. A musician stabbed to death in the street by a Golden Dawn militant On Wednesday 18 September in Athens, 34-year old Greek musician Pavlos Fyssas (better known under his stage name Killah P) died from stab-wounds after being attacked by an extreme right-wing...
29 August 2013 The Baleares Symphony Orchestra fighting for survival For months now, musicians from the Baleares Symphony Orchestra (OSIB) have been stepping up initiatives with their public and media in an attempt to convince authorities to guarantee the future...
2 August 2013 United Kingdom: musicians’ union’s 120th anniversary During its biennial conference on the 23 and 24 July 2013, The British Musicians’ Union celebrated its 120th anniversary in Manchester, where it was created in 1893. This particularly brilliant...
26 June 2013 Dringender Aufruf für internationale Solidarität: Warnung vor Beschäftigungsangebot des “Teatro pricipal de Palma de Mallorca” INTERNATIONALE MUSIKER-FÖDERATION Seit mehr als einem Jahr versuchen die Musiker/innen des Sinfonieorchesters der Balearen „Ciutat de Palma“ vergeblich mit dem Management in Verhandlungen zu treten, um eine Kollektivvereinbarung zu schließen....
20 June 2013 United Kingdom – Rightholder outcry at the announcement of a non-compensated private copy levy Following the Vitorino recommendations –contested by FIM– the latest series of attacks on the private copy levy has come in the form of a British government bill called Modernising Copyright....