Our social security system is based on 3 pillars: Old-age and survivors’ insurance (AHV), occupational pension provision (BV) and private pension provision (3rd pillar, not discussed further here). Inadequate old-age provision can also be compensated for by state supplementary benefits (EL).
Everyone who lives and/or works in Switzerland is insured under the AHV, i.e. employed and self-employed persons, but also persons who are not gainfully employed or who receive a disability pension.
In the case of employees, the AHV is paid by the employer. Employees and employers each contribute a total of 5.05% of the salary (AHV/IV); the employer bears the administrative costs. Self-employed persons settle their accounts directly with the AHV and pay their contributions themselves. The contribution rates depend on the level of income; from an annual income of CHF 57,400 they amount to 9.5% (AHV/IV, without EO).
For small salaries of less than CHF 2,300 per year, the employer only has to deduct AHV contributions if the employee expressly requests this. It is advisable to request AHV contributions for small wages as well, because otherwise these engagements will not be counted as contribution periods for unemployment insurance either.
Please note: The following employers must deduct AHV contributions for all their employees from the first franc: Dance and theatre producers, orchestras, phonographic and audio-visual producers, radio and television, schools in the artistic field.
Provided there are no missing contribution years, an AHV pension is at least CHF 1,195, at most CHF 2,390 (per month).
BVG (2nd pillar, «pension fund»)
Employees who have an employment contract of at least 3 months duration and earn an annual salary of at least CHF 22,050 must be insured. Old-age, disability and death benefits are insured.
Freelancers with frequently changing and temporary engagements are excluded from the compulsory second pillar due to these entry thresholds (contract duration, minimum earnings). Self-employed persons are not subject to compulsory BVG insurance from the outset.
Voluntary insurance: Self-employed persons and freelancers with changing employers can take out voluntary insurance. If the various employers are informed about the insurance, they are obliged to contribute to the BVG contributions, even if the employment relationship lasts less than 3 months. However, the prerequisite is that the insured person earns an annual salary of at least CHF 22,050 in total, i.e. including all engagements. Self-employed persons pay their contributions in full themselves.
SMV-USDAM recommends that freelance musicians take out insurance either with the Pensionskasse Musik und Bildung or with the Charles Apothéloz Foundation CAST.
Supplementary benefits
Recipients of AHV or IV pensions are entitled to supplementary benefits under certain conditions if their pensions are not sufficient to cover a minimum living cost. Artists in particular who do not have a pension fund and could not afford a private pension are often dependent on supplementary benefits.