
Musicians associations call for the strengthening of opera houses and orchestras in Europe

Zürich | October 8th, 2014 – The German speaking professional associations and musician trade unions from Austria, Switzerland and Germany (SMVDOVGdG-KMSfB and Ver.di) observe with great concern the current rampant destruction of opera houses, orchestras and professional ensembles in Europe. This is the tenor of a joint working meeting on 7 and 8 October 2014 in Zürich.

Currently, 182 orchestra musicians and opera chorus singers of Rome Opera (Italy) are dismissed, the Chamber Orchestra of Denmarks Radio in Copenhagen is forced to stop operations on November 25, 2014, the Symphony Orchestra of Cordoba (Spain) faces a budget cut by 40 percent.

“Every country in Europe has its specific music tradition, which is not only influenced by folk music, but also by professional musical theatres and symphony orchestras,” says Beat Santschi, Chairman of the SMV. Gerald Mertens, CEO of DOV, adds: “Professional Ensembles are a guarantee of high artistic quality. This quality has its price. If the common people shall visit operas and concerts for the price of a movie ticket in future, the public authorities are required to increase their public funding and not to freeze or even reduce it”. Prof. Reinhard Pirstinger by the Austrian Association GdG-KMSfB says: “Opera houses and orchestras establish cultural identity in their city and region. They must be strengthened, not weakened! “

Together all four organizations urge the public and political leaders in the acutely threatened ensembles in Italy, Spain and Denmark to take back the cuts and layoffs. There is a strong appeal to seek together with the national musicians’ unions for appropriate local solutions that avoid a close down or irretrievable liquidation of professional ensembles in these countries.

The four associations represent all members of orchestras and opera houses in the German-speaking countries, such as the Berlin Philharmonic, the Vienna State Opera Orchestra and the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, and over 170 other professional ensembles.