For months now, musicians from the Baleares Symphony Orchestra (OSIB) have been stepping up initiatives with their public and media in an attempt to convince authorities to guarantee the future of the orchestra that has been jeopardized by budget cuts.
Following the large concert organized in support of OSIB by AMPOS and AIE which attracted an audience of 4,500, the autonomous government of the Baleares accepted to meet the orchestra’s debts for 2012 and 2013. Despite this, OSIB’s situation remains unclear. It is possible that 5 places among the present 7 that are vacant may not be replaced and the management is considering laying off 8 additional musicians.
The international community cannot stand idly by and watch the dismantling of one of the most valuable assets in the Spanish and European cultural landscape
The international community cannot stand idly by and watch the dismantling of one of the most valuable assets in the Spanish and European cultural sector. The blind budget cuts that are affecting culture almost everywhere in Europe are the worst solution to the economic difficulties we are experiencing. By undermining institutions which play an essential role where the identity of peoples and diffusion of their cultures is concerned, such cuts fracture a fundamental factor of social cohesion that is particularly important in times of crisis.
We call upon all musicians and their public to show their backing by signing the support petition, with a view to making authorities assume their responsibilities and guarantee OSIB’s future. We would also ask each orchestra and/or musician trade union to send a declaration of support to the political leaders concerned (see addresses below), using the model that can be downloaded here.
1. Sr.Guillem Estarellas, Secretario general autonómico de Cultura:
2. Sra. Joana Maria Camps Bosch, Consellera de cultura del Govern Balear:
3. Sr. Joan Rotger, Vicepresidente de Cultura del Consell Insular de Mallorca:
4. Sr. Fernando Gilet, regidor de cultura del Ayuntamiento de Palma:
Please cc your message to the OSIB Committee:
Sebastià Pou:
Gerardo Beltrán: